Madness Combat Tributes Wiki
Madness Combat Error 7 is a tribute by gar0 for Madness Day 2008.[]
It is a video of hilarious twists on scenes from Madness Combat 7: Consternation. This includes (out of order will be fixed later) Hank being reanimated as Heather (from the dad series) ,Dad appearing form the floor instead of Mag Agent: Torture and his huge shotgun being Dad's penis, Mag Agent: Torture saying "HANK IN ONE!" and "HANK IN TRICKY!" when he hits Hank over into a building with his shotgun. Torture also says "I STUCK" on the scene where Hank kills him with a chainsaw to the face in Madness Combat 7 , Dad appearing again instead of demon Tricky, who Hank shoots and then goes to look at Dad's body and says goodbye Dad, but Dad revives and grabs Hank, saying he loves the flying hands, then rapes Hank, saying what he said in Dad 1[]